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Dead Sea Salt - Black Magice

Dead Sea Salt, also known as “Black Magic,” is a natural product with a variety of uses. It originates from Israel and is associated with Earth. The magical properties of Dead Sea Salt include purification, protection, and restoration.

You can combine it with herbs, oils, and crystals that have similar properties to potentially increase its power. It can be sprinkled around a sacred space for protection, dissolved in water for purification, or placed in a stone dish on the altar for the element Earth.

Dead Sea Salt is also used in baths. You can place the salts and herbs in a bath, then pour hot water over them, steep for 15-20 minutes1. It’s also used in sachets, talismans, and spell boxes for protection.

In addition to its magical uses, Dead Sea Salt has therapeutic properties. It contains 21 different minerals including magnesium, which soothes, protects, repairs, and rebalances, and potassium, which rebalances moisture levels. Its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties make it ideal for skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, or eczema.

Please note that if you suffer from a skin condition or are easily susceptible to allergies, it’s recommended to consult a health care professional to make sure you’re using the product that’s right for your skin.

  • $12.90
    • Weight
      500 ML
    • SKU